Rafael Pintor Moreno (Córdoba, 1972) nace en el seno de una familia humilde. Desde muy joven se decanta por el sector de la metalurgia y, siendo autodidacta, se forma y trabaja como oficial de primera en diferentes empresas, pero lo que realmente va perfilando su faceta profesional es su creatividad e inquietudes artísticas.
En su obra integra materiales nobles -metal, madera y roca- naturales y reciclados, consiguiendo así su sello personal. Prueba de ello son la elaboración de esculturas hechas en distintos metales, ventanales personalizados, escaleras funcionales, elementos decorativos, etc. Cualquier utensilio abandonado a su suerte es transformado en un exclusivo, práctico y singular objeto por Rafael.
Para conseguir esculturas de la talla, dificultad y originalidad de su serie de columnas torsionadas, COLUMTOR, él mismo diseña y construye la maquinaria necesaria, impresionante ejemplo de su faceta de inventor.
Actualmente, sus esculturas y obras de arte plástico, van enfocadas a lanzar mensajes de sostenibilidad y sensibilidad por el medio ambiente a la ciudadanía, contribuyendo así a la creación de un mundo mejor.
Rafael Pintor Moreno (Córdoba, 1972) was born into a humble family. From a very young age he opted for the metallurgy sector and, being self-taught, he trained and worked as a first-class officer in different companies, but what really shaped his professional side was his creativity and artistic concerns.
In his work he integrates noble materials – metal, wood and rock – natural and recycled, thus achieving his personal stamp. Proof of this is the creation of sculptures made of different metals, personalized windows, functional stairs, decorative elements, etc. Any utensil abandoned to its fate is transformed into an exclusive, practical and unique object by Rafael.
To achieve sculptures of the size, difficulty and originality of his series of twisted columns, COLUMTOR, he himself designs and builds the necessary machinery, an impressive example of his role as an inventor.
Currently, his sculptures and works of plastic art are focused on sending messages of sustainability and sensitivity to the environment to citizens, thus contributing to the creation of a better world.
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